Social Participation in Health Policy - PPSS
El Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social a través de la Resolución 2063 de 2017 adopta la Política de Participación Social en Salud- PPSS, que tiene como objetivo la intervención de la comunidad en la organización, control, gestión y fiscalización de las instituciones del sistema de salud.
Know your Rights and Duties as a Patient
- To freely choose the professional by whom he/she wishes to be treated and/or to request a change of treating professional, within the resources provided by the institution.
- To a clear, understandable, complete and appropriate communication with their condition; as well as to consent, revoke and/or refuse the suggested treatment.
- To receive dignified, humane and ethical treatment, respecting their race, their beliefs, their customs and their own health condition.
- To privacy and confidential handling of information.
- To express and have their needs and opinions taken into account during the course of treatment.
- To request and receive explanations about the costs generated by the services rendered.
- To request a second opinion regarding your diagnosis and treatment plan.
- To express their requests, complaints or claims; and to receive a timely response.
- To provide dignified, humane and respectful treatment to the staff and other patients of the institution.
- To participate and take responsibility for their care and treatment process, as well as for the integral care of their health.
- To care for and make rational use of the resources and facilities provided for their service.
- To collaborate with the fulfillment of the rules and instructions of the institution and the professional team.
- To report everything related to your health status and personal background.
- De informar todo lo relacionado con su estado de salud y antecedentes propios.
- To attend their appointments in optimal hygienic conditions.
- To attend appointments on time and to cancel or reschedule appointments at least 12 hours in advance when unable to attend.
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